Est. In 2023.
You can book 24 hours a day on our website, where you can pay via credit or with debit card, PayPal (no PayPal account needed) or Bank Transfer. Please note that if you pay via bank transfer, we will only hold the course open for you for five days so funds must be released within this time. On the website, you have the option to pay the full course cost at the time of booking.
The School of Civil Celebrancy on 01273 974 958 during office hours – Monday – Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, excluding bank holidays, (Easter Holiday- Good Friday through to Tuesday after Easter – Christmas Holiday December 21 through to January 4) or visit our website where bookings are available online 24hrs.
The School of Civil Celebrancy – Call Recording Policy – Please click Here for further information
Booking Your Course
1.1 – Please note that the School of Civil Celebrancy require you to have completed a basic Celebrant training course before you book onto our courses. With regards to booking a level 3 diploma in funeral celebrant or naming and couples qualification, you must have worked as a celebrant for a minimum of six months. Please note this does not apply to the Level 3 Certificate in Civil Celebrancy. Our courses take you from a Celebrant course through to a full RQF Qualification.
1.2 – You will receive an email confirmation within three days. This email will be sent from; the subject heading will be “The School of Civil Celebrancy Course Confirmation. PLEASE READ THIS EMAIL IN FULL”. If you book a course by calling the School of Civil Celebrancy office the email will contain a Learners Information Form which must be completed and returned.
1.3 – If you book, online, the learners form is completed at the time of checkout. It is extremely important that the information you give us is complete and correct. If you require any help with learning, this needs to be declared on the form.
If you have an Educational Report Statement or an Educational Health Care Report/Plan, outlining your learning needs, this needs to be submitted prior to starting the course, so that the relevant help and support can be discussed and put in place. If we are not able to facilitate your requirements, we will work with you to help try to find a suitable training school which will be able to facilitate your requirements. Learners who book a course agree to The School of Civil Celebrancy Learners’ Charter and Agreement.
The School of Civil Celebrancy – Reasonable Adjustment and Special Consideration Policy – Please click Here for further information.
1.4 – Please ensure that you are booking onto the correct course. Refunds will not be available to any learner who has started or completed a course, who then decides that it does not meet with their requirements.
1.5 – If you have received funding to attend your course and you decide not to complete it for any reason, the School of Civil Celebrancy have to notify the funding agency of your decision. The funding agency may then recoup the funds paid. This is the reasonability of the learner to pay these funds back to the funding agency, not the School of Civil Celebrancy.
1.6 – PayPal Credit – The School of Civil Celebrancy has set up an agreement with PayPal to allow our learners to use PayPal Credit. The PayPal Credit agreement is between the learner and PayPal and has no association with the School of Civil Celebrancy. The School of Civil Celebrancy terms and conditions will not be altered, affected, or amended in any way if this is the chosen payment method.
1.6a – 0% Loan Agreement – If a payment plan is arranged between the School of Civil Celebrancy and the learner to fund a course this will be at 0% interest. The payment plan is set up at the time of paying the deposit and cannot be set up once the course has been confirmed. An invoice will be sent to you on the 1st of each month for the agreed amount and must be paid within 7 days. A loan agreement between the School of Civil Celebrancy Ltd and the learner must be signed.
Attached to this loan agreement will be a copy of all the invoices and a breakdown of which invoice needs to be paid on which date. Proof of address must be supplied (copy of driving license or latest utility bill) when returning the loan agreement.
Apart from sending your monthly invoice, The School of Civil Celebrancy will not chase you for your monthly payments. Any late payments will be liable for a 20% late payment fee for the whole outstanding course payments. All courses must be paid in full before the NOCN course certification will be issued. Once a payment plan is in place full payment must be made even if you decide to cancel the course or decide to leave the course before the course completion for whatever reason.
Course fees cannot be transferred to an alternate course and are non-refundable. Please note that a loan agreement can only be put in place for people who live in the United Kingdom. The School of Civil Celebrancy reserves the right to pursue any non-payment legally. All legal fees will be added to the balance invoice and recouped from the learner.
1.7 – All course payments must be made via our online system, PayPal, Bank transfer or via invoice. We do not take card payments over the phone.
1.8 – System Service Level – The School of Civil Celebrancy products are hosted securely with a licensed Moodle Partner. The School of Civil Celebrancy has a service level agreement with the Moodle Partner that states that the hosting environment shall normally be available on a 24×7 basis with a 99.8% uptime guarantee. This excludes scheduled downtime that is occasionally required for upgrades and is agreed with the School of Civil Celebrancy in advance. The system is very stable, and downtime is extremely rare, however, should the Moodle service be lost for a period of time due to circumstances beyond the control of the School of Civil Celebrancy.
The School of Civil Celebrancy takes no responsibility whatsoever for any loss of business or earnings and will not under any circumstances be liable for any costs, losses or inconvenience incurred directly or indirectly from the downtime.
1.9 – Delivery – We endeavour to register all training courses as quickly as we can, (normally within an hour or two) however if you book the course over a weekend or bank holiday this can take 24 to 48 hours of making the booking. If a booking is made during normal office hours – Monday – Friday 9 am to 5 pm, excluding UK bank holidays, please call the School of Civil Celebrancy on 01273 974 958 during office hours – Monday – Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, excluding bank holidays, (Easter Holiday- Good Friday through to Tuesday after Easter – Christmas Holiday December 21 through to January 4) this may be completed quicker.
1.10 – Certification – All certificates are sent via royal mail recorded delivery and will need to be signed for. If certification is sent via email, you will be asked to confirm receipt. Certification will only be sent once the learning outcomes and assessments have been achieved. Please make sure you keep copies of certificates as duplicates will not be issued.
The School of Civil Celebrancy is accredited by NOCN. We follow a thorough three stage assessment process in line with our accreditation.
1, Your modules are assessed by a highly qualified and experienced assessor.
When the assessor has marked your module you will be advised whether your work has met the criteria, if not, you will be given constructive feedback and an action plan to complete within a certain timescale.
2, Internal Quality Assurance.
Once you have completed all your modules for your chosen qualification, they are submitted to our Internal Quality Assurance officer to ensure your assessment has been fair.
3, External Verification by NOCN.
Finally your full portfolio is submitted to the External Verifier (EQA) from NOCN prior to issuing your official certificate. The External verification process takes place once a year and we will let you know when your work is due to be verified.
Providing the above steps are all satisfactorily completed, NOCN will award your qualification certificate which is issued within 8 weeks of the EQA visit. The timescales set by the NOCN are out of the School of Civil Celebrancy control.
1.11 – Cancellations (online courses) – Once you have received course booking confirmation, you have a 14-day cooling-off period. However, if you have logged onto the course Portal, no refund will be issued, even if this falls within the first fourteen days.
1.12 – Insurance – It is the learner’s responsibility to make sure that all relevant insurance policies are in place to practice as a celebrant. This is not the responsibility of The School of Civil Celebrancy.
1.13 – Course Timeframe – 6 months duration – All online courses must be completed within 6 months of course allocation; this includes the final assessment. If you require additional time to complete your course, an extension will only be granted on medical grounds, and medical documentation will be required. The course can then only be extended by a further two months to a total of 12 months from the course start date. There will be a £60 administration fee for extending your course. You must apply via email to for an extension. Please note that the School of Civil Celebrancy Learners’ Portal closes at 17hrs on the day of completion day. After this time, you will not be able to access the course.
1.14 – Course Timeframe – 10 months duration – All online courses must be completed within 10 months of course allocation; this includes the final assessment. If you require additional time to complete your course, an extension will only be granted on medical grounds, and medical documentation will be required. The course can then only be extended by a further two months to a total of 12 months from the course start date. There will be a £60 administration fee for extending your course. You must apply via email to for an extension. Please note that the School of Civil Celebrancy Learners’ Portal closes at 17hrs on the day of completion day. After this time, you will not be able to access the course.
1.15 – Course Timeframe – 12 months duration – All online courses must be completed within 12 months of course allocation; this includes the final assessment. If you require additional time to complete your course, an extension will only be granted on medical grounds, and medical documentation will be required. The course can then only be extended by a further two months to a total of 14 months from the course start date. There will be a £60 administration fee for extending your course. You must apply via email to for an extension. Please note that the School of Civil Celebrancy Learners’ Portal closes at 17hrs on the day of completion day. After this time, you will not be able to access the course.
1.16 – Marking Your Coursework – All submitted work is marked by a qualified Assessor and monitored by an IQA (Internal Quality Assurance). We aim to mark all coursework within twenty-one working days of submission. Your Learners Portfolio is marked continually during your course, so please upload work as you complete it, instead of uploading a large number of documents all at once. If there is going to be a delay in marking, we will endeavour to publish this information beforehand within the Learners Portal.
We aim to have work marked within 21 days of being uploaded, sometimes it’s earlier than this, and sometimes it’s later than this. Please do not chase us to mark your work. You do not need to wait for your work to be marked before you can carry on to the next section.
We aim to have work marked within 21 days of being uploaded, sometimes it’s earlier than this, and sometimes it’s later than this. Please do not chase us to mark your work. You do not need to wait for your work to be marked before you can carry on to the next section.
All work must show simple referencing for all assignments which you upload to the learners portal. This is to be displayed at the top of the page along with your full name, and unit number. The reference should show the URL (webpage) from where you are obtaining the information from, or the book title and page you are using. Repeat offenders of uploading work without a reference will be charged £5 per item for marking.
During your course you are permitted to to have three re-submissions of work, after the three submission have been used you will be charged £10 per re-submission.
The School of Civil Celebrancy – Assessment Principles Policy – Please click Here for further information.
1.17 – Assessments
The School of Civil Celebrancy – Quality Assurance Policy – Please click Here for further information.
The School of Civil Celebrancy – Assessment Policy – Please click Here for further information.
The School of Civil Celebrancy – Internal Verification Policy – Please click Here for further information.
The School of Civil Celebrancy – Assessment Malpractice Policy – Please click Here for further information.
1.18 – It is the learner’s responsibility to make sure that all coursework is saved and backed up. Lost coursework is the responsibility of the learner, not the School of Civil Celebrancy.
1.19 – Feedback – At the end of the course, you will be sent a feedback form via email. This is extremely important for us to make sure that we are offering the correct level of service. Please take the time to complete this as we value your comments.
1.20 – Threatening, Intimidating and Unprofessional Behaviour – Please be aware that any form of threatening behaviour, including verbal or physical abuse, unprofessional behaviour, or being made to feel guilty will not be tolerated at the School of Civil Celebrancy.
If you require any help or advice regarding your training, please don’t hesitate to call the School of Civil Celebrancy on 01273 974958.
The School of Civil Celebrancy – Call Recording Policy – Please click Here for further information.
1.21 – Complaints Procedure – The School of Civil Celebrancy prides itself on the level of service we offer, however sometimes we do get things wrong (we are human). If we have done something wrong, please tell us via our complaints procedure so that we can get things put right for you. For further information on this, please click Here.
1.22 – Unacceptable Actions Policy – This policy covers all areas of work undertaken by The School of Civil Celebrancy. It applies to people our staff who come into contact with during the course of our business, including current and potential consumers, their representatives and our participating companies. Contact covers various forms, including social media, telephone, face-to-face, and written correspondence. Sometimes, people using our service use behaviour, actions or general conduct that makes it very difficult for us to deal with. In such cases, we issue and take action to protect our staff as such that is underwritten within this policy. For further information on this, please click Here.
1.23 – Computer skills – The School of Civil Celebrancy uses a computerised education system called “Moodle” (we call this the Learners Portal) for all courses. This system is used across all education levels and is easy to use. You will need to have basic computer skills to use this system. An email will be sent to you on your training day, giving you the information, you need to access this system. Please note that we do not email manuals or send out training manuals before the course start date.
The School of Civil Celebrancy – Computer Literacy Policy – Please click Here for further information.
1.24 – Terminology – The terminology used within any of the School of Civil Celebrancy courses is not designed to cause offence or upset to anyone. The terminology used was acceptable at the time of course production and passing the accreditation process. However, in these changing times, some names or language used may potentially now be classed as offensive. The School of Civil Celebrancy works tirelessly to make sure that our course work is inclusive to all groups. The School of Civil Celebrancy, unfortunately, cannot be held responsible for terminology which may now offend. Some vocabulary is required to explain different forms, methodologies or conditions. This is out of The School of Civil Celebrancy’s control as it may be an accreditation or learning outcome requirement. At no time is any offence meant against any individual or group.
1.25 – Training materials – Will be downloadable to each learner via their online Learning Portal. These materials will be available to download for 60 days once your course has started. It will be the learner’s responsibility to download and save their training materials within this time.
The School of Civil Celebrancy – Registration and Certification Policy – Please click Here for further information.
1.26 – Continuing Education courses (APL) – Continuing Education courses use a system called APL (accredited parallel learning) which can only be used for a maximum of five years from the original completion date of your original level 3 qualification. After this time, you will be required to take the full Level 3 qualification and not an APL qualification.
1.27 – To qualify for an APL your original qualification must be a recognised level 3 qualification, which meets the National Occupational Standard and the Core Curriculum. The APL certification you are submitting for the APL qualification must clearly show that you have met and passed the learning outcome required to APL the particular module. The School of Civil Celebrancy will not be responsible for the standard, quality or content of what has been taught by your previous training schools. If you are completing a Continuing Education course and your original level 3 course hasn’t covered the units required to complete the APL course, it will be the learner’s responsibility to pay for the additional modules APL to complete the APL course.
Please note that once a course has been started an APL claim cannot be claimed. All APL claims must be made at the time of booking and it is the learners responsibility to claim, not The School of Civil Celebrancy.
The School of Civil Celebrancy – Accreditation of Prior Learning Policy – Please click Here for further information.
1.28 – Sometimes during a course, we may need to make a change to the content of the course due to a change in the National Occupational Standard, alter the course delivery or if The School of Civil Celebrancy and the accreditor feel that an additional module is required to better the course, thus giving you better-underpinning knowledge or practical skill. The School of Civil Celebrancy are always looking at different ways that a course can be improved by adding additional skills or knowledge.
1.29 – Correction & Clarification – Every effort has been made to ensure that the information and advice given in all training courses is accurate and up to date. Whilst the information and advice were given throughout is believed to be true and accurate at the time of production, The School of Civil Celebrancy cannot accept any legal responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions that may be made. The School of Civil Celebrancy accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the accuracy of the information, conclusions that may be drawn from it, or how the information is interpreted and implemented. This is the basis on which the information is presented, and the courses offered.
1.30 – Copyright – All rights are reserved. The copying or reproducing of any of the content of this website or training material is strictly prohibited without prior consent. The content of all The School of Civil Celebrancy training material, even when unbranded, remains strictly under the ownership and copyright of The School of Civil Celebrancy and may not be copied, duplicated or shared by any means without explicit permission from The School of Civil Celebrancy. All intellectual rights to all The School of Civil Celebrancy products remain strictly with The School of Civil Celebrancy.
1.31 – Permissible Use of Training and Training Manuals – The School of Civil Celebrancy offers ‘course to qualification’ programmes to learners assessing the knowledge and skills required to practice as a Civil Celebrant. Our courses are not designed or intended to permit learners to offer the training themselves. All course materials are strictly intended for reference purposes when taking your Celebrancy qualifications or practicing as a celebrant. The unauthorised copying, distribution, sharing, or other use of training manuals or materials is a serious breach of copyright.
1.32 – Privacy – The School of Civil Celebrancy is fully committed to full compliance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation. The School of Civil Celebrancy will, therefore, follow procedures that aim to ensure that all team members who have access to any personal data held by The School of Civil Celebrancy are fully aware of and abide by their duties under the General Data Protection Regulation. The School of Civil Celebrancy will not share any information with any third party except if requested by law.
The School of Civil Celebrancy – General Data Protection Regulation Policy – Please click Here for further information.
1.33 – Links – The School of Civil Celebrancy accepts no liability for the content or practices of any websites that may be linked to or through this site or embedded in any of the training portals. Such links are maintained “as is” for information purposes only and The School of Civil Celebrancy does not, therefore, necessarily approve of or endorse the content of those sites.
1.34 – Governing Law and Jurisdiction – These terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and any dispute shall be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.
Each of the paragraphs of these Terms and Conditions operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them is unlawful, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and effect.
Statement – A director is dyslexic, and a number of the emails sent from him are sent through an email dictation program, so we apologise if the email has incorrect spelling and grammar.
Please note by booking a course with the School of Civil Celebrancy you agree to these terms and conditions.
Please note, The School of Civil Celebrancy prides itself on its transparency and accountability. Our terms and conditions are very clear, and we will not deviate from them.
The School of Civil Celebrancy reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. In the event that any changes are made, the revised terms and conditions shall be posted on this website immediately; all alterations are listed below.
Terms and Conditions last updated – February 7th 2024; additional pre-course requirements added.
Terms and Conditions Updates
The School of Civil Celebrancy is a Limited Company trading as The School of Civil Celebrancy the company registration number is 14993396.